Afterwards, the Avengers accepted Wonder Man as a staunch ally and he was later elected to full-time membership.

Instead, Simon was restored to consciousness by the Living Laser who was holding the powerful Serpent Crown artifact. The Vision refused, where it was first revealed that Vision's mind was based on Simon's own brain patterns.Įric later tried to have Simon's body resurrected by the voodoo of the Black Talon, and Wonder Man was used as a zombie to attack the Avengers. The Reaper wanted to use the body to bribe the robotic Vision to accept a human body. Simon's body was about to be buried when it was captured by his brother, now known as the Grim Reaper and who had already battled the Avengers, blaming them for Simon's death. Before he was buried, his brain patterns were recorded for scientific purposes (and were later used to build the android Vision.) In fact, Simon had really fell into a death-like coma. However, he repented at the last minute and saved the Avengers from the Masters, seemingly at the cost of his own life. At Zemo's behest, Simon befriended Avengers, pretending to be their ally, and lured them into a trap. Simon agreed to undergo an experiment to give him superhuman powers, and Zemo gave him the costumed guise of Wonder Man, warning Simon that he would die without further treatments from Zemo in order to ensure his loyalty.

Simon was released with help from the original Baron Zemo and his Masters of Evil.

the hero Iron Man and member of the team Avengers.) The embezzlement and racketeering was discovered, and Simon went to jail, blaming his downfall on Tony Stark (a.k.a. Eric suggested that Simon embezzle money to invest in Eric's own business, which happened to be illegal racketeering with Maggia ties.

Although a capable scientist, Simon nevertheless was not a businessman, and the company started to fail. Simon Williams inherited his father's industrial munitions plant after his father died and his older brother, Eric, did not want to take over.