The visual design is depressing at best, as one can feel the pointlessness of the game as they wander through an overly red-washed wasteland killing aliens that were clearly designed ironically. The game received universally negative reviews for aesthetics alone, since the sound effects and voice acting were far below the standard for the time. Source: As the title suggests, the plotline revolves around an alien invasion, though the focus on New York is unclear. In terms of terrible games, NBA Unrivaled is indeed unrivaled (except by the remaining 19 games on this list), which is why it has a Metascore of 24/100. The failed attempt at capturing the nostalgia associated with arcade sports games back in the day led to a game with very little reason to exist. NBA Unrivaled does exactly the opposite, employing graphics and AI that are even worse than its predecessors (the game was released in 2009). But both sports and video games are about the future, about one-uping themselves to make a better game next year, and the year after that. The NFL, NHL, MLB, and even NBA all have titles that proudly and accurately represent their corresponding sports.

THEGAMER VIDEO OF THE DAY NBA Unrivaled Source: Sports games are great. Past the front page, stamped with the latest releases of 2017, beyond the articles of new cinema, and even further than reviews of this decade's hottest music, there is a list of the worst-rated games on Metacritic of all time. As one of the most popular gaming review sites, Metacritic uses aggregate data to generate a well-rounded, accurate score for all types of entertainment media. We crawled deep into the catacombs of Metacritic, passing by fallen ones such as Final Fantasy XIV (1.0) and No Man’s Sky. The 20 WORST Games Ever According To Metacritic TheGamer Something New The 20 WORST Games Ever According To Metacritic We crawled deep into the catacombs of Metacritic, passing by fallen ones such as Final Fantasy XIV and No Man’s Sky.